Saturday, February 1, 2020

Process vs. Non-Process Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Process vs. Non-Process - Research Paper Example Taking a hint from this real life example, the concept of process innovation needs to be analyzed in a broader context. There is no need to say much about the fact that HTML5 is the latest technology that offers much new in the area of extending mobile platform choices to the companies and consumers (Lee, 2012). Yet, the biggest problem in adapting to this new technology is the need to customize and adapt their operations and research initiatives to benefit from the competitive advantage that a shift to HTML5 mobile platforms offers. In that context the HTML5 debate has exposed a hitherto much ignored fact. When it comes to process versus non-process industries, it is a fact that ideally speaking there exists nothing like a non-process industry (Skinner, 1992). The only difference between a process and non-process industry is that in a non-process industry, the operations consist of multiple unwieldy and least synchronized processes, which are least capable of extending a strategic a dvantage to a company against its competitors (Skinner, 1992). However, the other thing that needs to be taken into consideration is that new advances in technology may push a company from being process driven to being a non-process company, in a relative if not an absolute sense. The biggest revolution that the web based products and services have come across is the concept of computing going mobile. This created a dire need for the research in technologies that are compatible with and support mobile computing. In the last 10 years the world of mobile platforms has moved from a domination of the few like Windows Mobile and RIM Blackberry, to an invasion of many new platforms. In that context, there is no doubt that HTML5 stands to be the lowest common denominator, when it comes to developing mobile browsers. Still, many companies are raising a noise about shifting to HTML5 based mobile platforms, because it necessitates the requisite innovations in the processes underlying their pr oducts and services. There are varied reasons why the companies pushed from the status of being process companies to non-process companies owing to a failure to incorporate and adapt to HTML5 in the processes underlying their businesses tend to be hesitant. One important factor is that there exists a schism between the managers and technology personnel governing these companies (Skinner, 1992). While the management driven executives are still sticking to the old paradigms justifying augmentation of sales by resorting to marketing and financial gimmicks, considering the high risk involved in opting for HTML5 oriented process innovations, the technology experts tend to be averse to suggest such changes, fearing possible fallout on their careers. Besides, the requisite process innovations necessitate a long term financial and planning related commitment on the part of the companies, which is difficult to contrive, as evinced by the Facebook experience (Skinner, 1992). Then there are co mpanies which are waiting for their competitors to innovate, while mulling over immense financial savings by adapting to these innovations at a later stage

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