Saturday, November 2, 2019

Robert Adam Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Robert Adam - Essay Example Born in Kirkcaldy, Fife, Scotland in 1728, Adam led the neo-classical era of architecture in England and Scotland from the mid-1700's until his death in 1792. Adam rose to be one of the most influential architects in Great Britain employing the famed Neo-classical style of architecture.This achievement is reminiscent in many of his works all across the United Kingdom. After he earned fame on the completion of the remodeling of the Syon House, a Tudor-style convent situated at the outskirts of London, Adam was commissioned to build new structures and remodel existing structures which include, the Osterley Park in Middlesex and the Kenwood House, to fit the Neo-classical genre. But most importantly, Adam's works of genius can be witnessed today in the city of Edinburgh, Scotland where his designs of various structures and interior decoration continue to elicit awe and respect. Adam's stylistic influence in architecture has been massive and long lasting. However, his influence and innov ative ideas on interior design and intricate attention to details even on his tiniest of creations earned him the reputation as one of the greatest masters of interior design. He employed more flexibility and integrated aspects of classic Roman design which manifested hints and mixtures of Greek, Byzantine and Baroque creations. THE ADAMESQUE STAIR HALL ORNAMENT One of his most influential creations, the Osterley House, manifests Adam's genius and innovations in the design of interior delineating the Roman classical details on this particular work. 1The house features coffered Roman ceilings, apses, pilaster and grotesques reminiscent of the age of Antiquity. Adam's inclusion of the Etruscan dressing room gave the Osterley Park creation its most original and distinctive aspect, as Adam's utilization of this design is the finest 18th century variation of the Roman motif. Furthermore, at Kenwood House, Adam built a vaulted library, celebrated as his most intricate and beautiful creation. The vaulted library boasts of its soft blue palette balanced by white columns and hints of gilts, a creation unfamiliar in that era apparent only in that age's most intricate porcelains. Adamesque Door Surround THE ROOM The aforementioned innovative designs are typical of Adam who mixed neo-Gothic features with 'Etruscan' and 'Egyptian' motifs, considered minor features of the 'Adamesque' movement. Adam's style is unique, in that, it includes ornamentations reminiscent of the Roman motifs 2such as framed medallions, vases, urns and tripods, arabesque vine scrolls, sphinxes and gryphons. His distinct interior design also includes 3flat grotesque panels, pilasters, painted ornaments such as swags and ribbons and intricate color schemes. Adam's room arrangements, ornamental ceilings, chimneypieces and furniture characterized a 'greater unity and architectonic quality' in many of their features which are found missing or lacking in the works of his contemporaries. Although he was more famed for his architecture, his works on the interior and decoration of it, are of more lasting importance. 4The Pompeiian features and influence are evident in his decoration and setting of interiors, which give them the feeling of perfection and intricacy as Adam values ornamental balance and open spaces. THE STAIR HALL Most designers

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